About this website
Site map
A guide for parents in Canada
Child care in Canada
Who's responsible?
Child care by province or territory
Types of child care
Unregulated child care
Who pays?
The state of child care in Canada
Why quality matters
What is quality?
Setting the stage
Finding child care
Child care by province or territory
Harder-to-find child care
Dos and don'ts
Set up a visit
What to look for - a checklist
Watch the video
Video: Quality in focus
Topical segments
ASL version
Français et version LSQ
More resources
More resources for parents
How to get involved in the child care community
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Child care in Canada
Who's responsible?
Child care by province or territory
Types of child care
Unregulated child care
Who pays?
The state of child care in Canada
Why quality matters
What is quality?
Setting the stage
Finding child care
Child care by province or territory
Harder-to-find child care
Dos and don'ts
Set up a visit
What to look for - a checklist
Watch the video
Video: Quality in focus
Topical segments
ASL version
Français et version LSQ
More resources
More resources for parents
How to get involved in the child care community