A guide for parents in Canada

How to get involved in the ECEC community

How do I become more involved in the child care community? What can I do to advocate for quality child care in my community? 

Child Care Action Toolkit

Your Voice Can Make a Difference for Child Care in Your Community


pdfLa Garde D’enfants Pour Que La Situation Change Dans Votre Collectivité : Exprimez-vous!

National groups

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC)
The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) is a non-profit organization promoting publicly funded child care in Canada by advocating through public education and political action. The CCAAC’s goal is for inclusive, affordable, non-profit, quality child care in Canada to become a progressive family policy that will provide a range of services to children and families.
Canadian Child Care Federation
The Canadian Child Care Federation is a bilingual, member-based, non-profit organization that provides parents, educators and policy makers with capacity building, networking, collaborations and partnerships to support the overall well-being and development of children.

Provincial/Territorial groups

Below you will find the child care and early childhood associations and advocacy organizations in each province/territory. Please visit their websites for information on how you can become more involved with child care in your community. 


Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador


Early Childhood Development Association of PEI


Nova Scotia Child Care Association 


Early Childhood Care & Education New Brunswick (ECENB-SEPENB)


l’Association québécoise des centres de la petite enfance (AQCPE)


Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario 

Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care 


Manitoba Child Care Association 

Child Care Coalition of Manitoba 


Saskatchewan Early Childhood Association 


Alberta Child Care Association 


Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC)

West Coast Child Care Resource Centre 

British Columbia Aboriginal Child Care Society 

Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC


No child care specific organizations at this time 


No child care specific organizations at this time 


Yukon Child Care Association